Green Eggs and Ham:

So on March 2nd it was Dr. Seuss’ birthday. My babies and I celebrated by making green eggs and ham! Zeke didn’t care about the color, he just wanted food, ASAP. Danika acted like it was the most disgusting thing she had ever eaten! As if they tasted any different than normal eggs. What a … Continue reading

A boy is a boy:

One thing about my son that I know for sure, is that he is ALL boy. I wasn’t sure if I would notice a big difference with having a girl and a boy, but already, it is apparent. He has to be hitting things all. the. time. You pick him up, he slaps you, he … Continue reading

All the small things:

I love all of the small things about my son, Zekie, you make mommy so proud and I’m so thankful to have you in my life.   Ezekiel Tate Morgan was dedicated to the Lord this last Sunday, October 17th, 2010 at Applegate Christian Fellowship at 10:00am. What a blessing!   Mommy

6 months:

Baby boy, please stop growing so quickly! You look just like your daddy and I adore you! xoxo PS Don’t mind my messy closet! ;)

Practicing my Black and White:

So I have never been a huge fan of black and white photo’s, so I rarely create them. But I have come to realize that some people really like it! Since my job is to please you, I decided I needed to figure out what makes a good black and white photo and start producing … Continue reading